Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 07.00pm
(Monday- Saturday)
Mogadishu, Somalia


Service Page for Horn Diligence Consultancy Services (HDCS)

Horn Diligence Consultancy Services (HDCS) is a premier firm offering a diverse range of consultancy solutions across key sectors. With a deep understanding of the socio-political and economic landscape in Somalia and the Horn of Africa, HDCS is committed to delivering high-quality research, legal advisory, and business development solutions. Our tailored approach ensures that clients receive expert guidance to navigate complex challenges effectively.

Why we stands out.

Why we stand out.

At HDCS, we take pride in our team of dedicated professionals who bring expertise, experience, and commitment to every project. Our team consists of industry experts, legal professionals, researchers, analysts, and consultants who work collaboratively to deliver innovative solutions.

Take a tour on some of the services that we offer.

We pride ourselves on having a knowledgeable, highly skilled team, coupled with robust development capacities that enables us to realize assignments in a very efficient and effective manner

📌 Research & Development

Based on research evidence, HDCS undertakes to implement desired initiatives to bridge the gap that currently exists. We not only do research, but we also implement various projects on the ground in collaboration with our donors and supporters. We are one of the leading research firms on Somali issues, with a portfolio that encompasses in-depth political economy analysis, land disputes and service delivery in the public sector such as judiciary and local administration.

Research and Development

Research Center for Policy Studies:

Researching to provide informed analysis and solutions.
Offering recommendations to policymakers, political parties, and civil society organizations.
Development of policies, guidelines, modules

Key Features.

1. Researching to provide informed analysis and solutions. 2. Offering recommendations to policymakers, political parties, and civil society organizations.
3. Development of policies, guidelines, and modules.

Our Approach.

These are steps that we undertake before the developments process.
Data Collection(Research).
Policy Recommendation.
Monitoring and Evaluations.

📌 Monitoring and Evaluations

HDCS undertakes various third-party monitoring and evaluation assignments for international organizations implementing activities in Somalia. We act as the mirror to various humanitarian organizations who wish to see the impact of their programs on the ground, since Somalia remains unsafe for a majority of foreign and international employees.

Monitoring and Evaluations

Key features on Monitoring & Evaluations.

Independent assessment and validation of project outcomes.
Field-based evaluations in high-risk and remote areas.
Data collection, analysis, and reporting.
Custom monitoring frameworks tailored to client needs.

Why Choose Us!

📌 Political & Economic Analysis.

HDCS employs a macro-level analysis assessing historical trends, interactions at the municipal level of political, security, economic and social processes and the diverse international stimuli. We deploy various local professionals to achieve the desired outcome.
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Political and Economic Analysis

Key features on Political and economic Analysis.

In-depth macro and micro-level political and economic research.
Analysis of historical trends, governance structures, and policy impacts.
Sectoral assessments and economic forecasting.
Risk assessments for businesses, investors, and international organizations.

Why Choose Us!

📌 Legal policy and Advisory

The Firm provides an outstanding legal drafting, analysis and documentation services to our clients across the country. We provide regular advice to the government, independently owned companies and the public at large on drafting of legal documents. With our excellent and well groomed team of attorneys, Horn Diligence Consultancy Services takes proud in drafting various legal documents including acts, regulations, by laws, guidelines, various forms of agreements, policies and other documents having binding nature.

Over View

HDCS provides expert legal advisory services, including drafting, policy formulation, and regulatory compliance support for businesses, governments, and organizations.

Key features on Legal policy and Advisory.

Drafting legal documents, including acts, regulations, and policies.
Policy analysis, interpretation, and advisory services.
Regulatory compliance consulting for organizations and businesses.

Why Choose Us!

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